[NTG-context] boxedcolumns ruins framed

2015-08-24 Thread dr. Hans van der Meer
\startboxedcolumns[n=3]\framed{ABCD}\blank\input knuth\stopboxedcolumns\blank\startsimplecolumns[n=3]\framed{ABCD}\blank\input knuth\stopsimplecolumns\stoptext boxedcolumnsframed.pdf Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: [NTG-context] narrowered columns on background image?

2014-02-14 Thread Wolfgang Schuster
}] \starttext \defineoverlay[muh][{\externalfigure[cow][width=\overlaywidth, height=\overlayheight]}] \startframed[width=max,height=0.4\textheight,background=muh,align=right,foregroundcolor=darkred]% \startboxedcolumns[n=3] It was a dark and stormy night. The rain came down in tons

Re: [NTG-context] narrowered columns on background image?

2014-02-13 Thread Wolfgang Schuster
=darkred]% \startboxedcolumns[n=3] It was a dark and stormy night. The rain came down in tons. The old captain said: \quotation{Antonio, come and tell us a story!} And Antonio began as follows: \quotation{It was a dark and stormy night. The rain ...} \stopboxedcolumns \stopframed \stoptext

[NTG-context] textwidth in (simple)columns

2014-02-13 Thread Hans van der Meer
With \startcolumn[n=2] the \textwidth appears as the columnwidth, but with \startsimplecolumns[n=2] it stays the full breadth of the page. Is there a remedy? Changing to \startcolumns is no option because it does not work inside \startframedtext, and \startboxedcolumns is no option because I

Re: [NTG-context] narrowered columns on background image?

2014-02-13 Thread Rudolf Bahr
][width=\overlaywidth, height=\overlayheight]}] \startframed[width=max,height=0.4\textheight,background=muh,align=right,foregroundcolor=darkred]% \startboxedcolumns[n=3] It was a dark and stormy night. The rain came down in tons. The old captain said: \quotation{Antonio, come and tell us

[NTG-context] boxedcolumns weirdness

2013-12-30 Thread Hans van der Meer
I am typesetting a series of items with boxedcolumns enclose in a framedtext: \startframedtext[width=\makeupwidth,offset=0pt,frame=off,align=tolerant] \startboxedcolumns[n=2,separator=rule] Occasionally it happens that material at the end of the first column is not typeset

[NTG-context] boxedcolumns weirdness

2013-12-29 Thread H. van der Meer
I am typesetting a series of items with boxedcolumns enclose in a framedtext: \startframedtext[width=\makeupwidth,offset=0pt,frame=off,align=tolerant] \startboxedcolumns[n=2,separator=rule] Occasionally it happens that material at the end of the first column is not typeset

Re: [NTG-context] columns

2013-10-03 Thread Wolfgang Schuster
bolxedcolumns environment which changes the width of the columns when you use it in \startframed etc. \setupalign[verytolerant] \starttext \startboxedcolumns[separator=rule] \input tufte \stopboxedcolumns \startframedtext[width=max,align=verytolerant] \startboxedcolumns[separator=rule] \input tufte

Re: [NTG-context] columns

2013-10-03 Thread H. van der Meer
] \startmixedcolumns[n=2,separator=rule,balance=yes] \input tufte \stopmixedcolumns \stopframedtext \blank % OK \startframedtext[width=.8\makeupwidth,align=verytolerant] \startboxedcolumns[n=2,separator=rule,balance=yes] \input tufte \stopboxedcolumns \stopframedtext Hans van der Meer columns-inside.pdf

[NTG-context] Limitation of mixedcolumns?

2012-07-28 Thread Zhichu Chen
] [boxedcolumns] [n=2, background=color, backgroundcolor=yellow, color=red, strut=yes, balance=yes, backgroundoffset=0mm] \startboxedcolumns %\dorecurse{10}{\input zapf \par \input ward \par} \obeydepth \startnestedboxedcolumns \dorecurse{15}{\input zapf\par